Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Broccoli is good for you. Especially if you eat an entire head of broccoli (steamed, with parmesan cheese). And then a bag of corn chips with salsa just for a bit of balance.

It's pretty much business as usual at the moment in London land. Walking to work in -4 degrees C isn't exactly my idea of fun but we manage somehow, it's not so bad because there's not much wind. Tonight there is supposed to be 10cm of snowfall in London which is the most in 16 years. Pity I left my truncheons at home!

I was supposed to be in Paris this week for training, but that unfortunately fell through due to a cock-up so it's been postponed until next month. Woohoo I can't wait to see Paris! I will probably take the weekend there too and come back Sunday night, to take proper advantage of my stay there. I'll hire a car and go for a bit of a drive and try my best not to get lost. Whee!

Nam-kem has been a little under loved lately. I haven't had a lot to say lately I guess. Originally this began is a bit of a travel journal, but since I'm relatively settled there isn't much to say travel-wise. What I'm saying is that nam-kem will probably continue but it will probably start to morph slightly. So stay tuned (I know you're still out there!).


So what have I been up to lately? Well I've been making an effort of at least one meditation sit per day, and one group sit per week in town. Trying not to freeze my arse off on my way to work and blagging rides when I can. Once I get to work I've been busy performing big updates to the network at work (ie. breaking stuff and doing my best to fix it), which has been an exercise in patience and frustration.

Have started climbing once a week. I'm reading a bit but I keep putting my books down in strange places and losing them so I have 3 books on the go right now. Been downloading episodes of Battlestar Galactica and Heroes religiously as they come out, and cursing the fact that they come out too slowly. I've also been spending a bit of time lately getting to know a special little lady which has been really lovely. I went on a date! A real live date! We had Thai.

The plan at the moment is to get a normal Work Permit through my current job, and to enjoy the travel opportunities I receive through the job and save a bit of money. I have been thinking about taking some papers at uni part-time. Nothing too drastic just some arts papers, I'd like to explore my writing a bit.

So those of you in the southern hemisphere I hope you're making the most of the sun. Spare a thought for us in little old London.

Au reviour!