Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Moving without traveling

It was a cold and ordinary night. A man blinks, staring dimly beyond caged windows toward the last of winter's breath, black leaves rustling against a faded blue canvas. Rock music crashes and wails too quietly to be obnoxious, enough to spark a tiny rebellion.

One day. One day the passage would be complete, marking the end of the beginning. A new entry will have established itself - the sesame seed bun crowning the hamburger of events filling one man's lonely life. Only time would tell the type of meat and vegetables to follow.

A luminous glow just beyond his conciousness snaps into focus, revealing a landscape of light and shadow punctuated by straight edges and symbols. He was looking at something, looking into something - but it was too indistinct to pinpoint. His attention remains on the light, fingers drawn to the symbols.

It was then that his purpose became clear. What of the meat? Had the bombastic buns gotten the better of him? Something stirred deep inside the man.

A flash! All at once it came to him. These words, this was the meat. This was the meat, and the meat was him. It was all clear now. The frilly lettuce, as much a part of him as the bombastic buns. But weren't these simple ingredients just a literary device intended to illustrate a properly structured story or essay?

He could not remember, and it no longer mattered.



Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement